
Friday, October 11, 2013


I hate
the sound of nails on the chalkboard!
Even typing this
causes my back to stiffen.

So when Not-So-Little-Person asked me to:

kindly sew his latest patches onto his 
Cub Scout vest,
my back stiffened...just like nails on a chalkboard!

Don't get me wrong, I am so proud that he is earning so many patches,
I HATE sewing them onto his uniform!

I blame it on my aversion to sewing anything related to clothing or garments.
I don't sew clothes!
I have never sewn clothes...or zippers!

 I would rather cut large pieces of fabric into smaller pieces
and sew them back together.

Speaking of cutting fabric, remember this:

I finally decided to cut out hexagons.
Well, that was my intention...
but...I drew a blank while I was cutting out the squares,
and I ended up cutting the blocks a 1/2" too short!

EEK!...not my precious Scrumptious fabric!!!

I know that you should measure twice...cut once...but in my defense, 
it was late and I was too lazy to remeasure...or maybe I was too busy 
"oooing" over the fabric.

(Oh my gosh that LIME GREEN is really speaking to me right now!)

So with the help of a few Mini Snicker Bars and Diet Pepsi, I got over my fabric sorrow
 and set out to come up with Plan B.

Plan B??????

Cut triangles instead!

Until Next Time...Happy Quilting

Moda Precuts
Moda Fabric
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  1. LOL! I always felt that way about the Boy Scout & Girl Scout patches. Worst of all though, are sewing military patches on uniforms. Once hubby reached a certain rank I refused to do it. Told him he finally made enough money to pay someone to do it for me! LOL!
    Yay for Plan B! Happy triangle-ing!

  2. My mom used to safety pin my patches on! LOL and I totally get it now! :-)

  3. I always used invisible thread and a bigger stitch for those patches~ worked out very well. LOL With two eagle scouts, I sewed a lot of patches! ;-) Have a happy weekend!

  4. Diet Pepsi and Snicker bars can fix anything!
