
Friday, July 19, 2013


This is the lesson that I learned the hard way...
never cut fabric
 when you are tired

when you have spent the entire evening
at the pool
(like close the pool down ...entire evening).

Because bad things are bound to happen.
For example,
you may cut the wrong amount of squares.
In this case, I cut way too many squares.

you may wake up grumpy and snap at your
Hubby when he asks "What's for dinner tonight?"

Yep...both of these happened to me. 
I go over both of these
once I had a quick jolt of caffeine in my system.

The main thing about cutting fabric when you are tired
 is the fact that you don't get to appreciate
the beauty of your nicely cut stack of fabric!
I know, this is something that only
a quilter could appreciate.

When I got home this afternoon,
I walked past my cutting table 
and saw a pretty, little rainbow of fabric sitting there.

I was too tired last night to notice it:

a softer rainbow, which is not my normal.

For my beige quilt,
I cut an assortment of 12 1/"2  X 6 1/2" rectangles
from  my cream, white, and beige fabrics.

Whispering fabrics because they would
normally whisper
when placed next  to more colorful print fabrics.

Here are the white fabrics that I chose to use:

Be still my heart...I cut my precious Hushabye fabric by Tula Pink!

Here are the cream and beige fabrics that I chose to use:

Now a shot of all (180) 12 1/2" X 6 1/2" rectangles that I cut last night:

If I would have been alert,
I would have noticed that I only needed 160 rectangles!

See why you never cut fabric when you are tired!

On the upside, at least I cut them the correct size, which could have been a disaster.

Until Next Time...Happy Quilting

Moda PreCuts
Moda Fabrics
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  1. I know exactly what you mean!! Love your low volume fabrics and can't wait to see what you're going to make with them. If you have no idea what to do with all those extras... send 'em my way... hehehe!!

  2. I love low volume quilts and really am looking forward to seeing what you are making with these. Pool time is always a blast with wee people on scorcher days of summer...enjoy the life long memories made there! I'm telling ya...he will be long gone to college in the blink of an eye and you will still enjoy your quilting. Trust me!

  3. These are lovely fabrics and colors. It will be a beautiful quilt. I have cut when tired and I agree with you. Plus you don't enjoy the actual process. Well, I don't. :-) I do hate being tired and snapping at my husband. (Been there, done that a few times too!)

  4. At least having a few extra gives you options when you are arranging them :-)

  5. Too many you can deal with, the wrong size...Yikes! That would have been bad! It's going to be a pretty quilt. =)
