
Thursday, August 12, 2010


How many times do you rip

something apart

before you start over completely?

I fussed with (i.e. ripped apart)

my block 3 times before

I started over completely!

What would you do?

Until Next Time ...Happy Quilting!


  1. I'm done after 3 times. Sometimes just with the piece, other times with the whole dang thing! At least for a while. I find the pieces are so stretched by then that there isn't much chance saving them.

  2. I have found, that with time, I rip apart less, and start over more. Most of the time I have more fabric than time. Lol! Early on in my quilting I learned to always buy more than I thought I would need, especially after fishing out scraps from the trash to piece together when I ran out a particular fabric, couple of times. Lesson learned, and stash collected! ;)

  3. By that time I give up and just put up with a slightly imperfect block. Im learning to deal with the fact Im a perfectionist...

  4. Oh how I hate the seam ripper! I'd press it out! If I can't press it out, then I piece it out! If I can't piece it out or press it out, then I quilt it out! And, if it still shows up it was probably just meant to be there LOL (unless it's REALLY bad - then I will hang with Susie Seam Ripper)!!

  5. Once! I use an insanely tight stitch, think carefully before everything I sew and pray for the best. I do not rip seams unless absolutely necessary and I don't believe I've ripped any in a VERY long time. I don't know why, but I really hate it.

  6. Twice...I was doing that last night and ended up having to remake the block completely 2 times! I was not having a good night. {ahem}

  7. I have done that so may times. But it is better to see the mistake now before the quilt is all quilted. LOL

  8. I don't know how many times I would start over...I am usually a if it's not quite 1/4" I take that into consideration on the next seam. It's just my style. Now the sew along giant pincushion..I machine pieced that 4 X!! only 1 trashed.

  9. Once or twice then i walk away and save it for another day.

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  11. How many times depends on what I'm ripping apart! If it's a completed quilt top and I'm messing up the quilting, I'll rip it out a million times. A block? 3's my limit. If I'm further into the project, I'm a little more likely to rip it out more times, but if it's the begining and giving me such a hard time, it goes in the scrap bin! I need my sanity, after all. :)

  12. For me, I generally start again from fresh to save frustration - Hugs Nat

  13. what happened?!?! so sorry. Well, I hardly ever throw anything out or start over. I"d just keep on rippin and sewin... Don't ever give up! :)

  14. To me "seam ripper" is a four letter word! I'll rip once then if it doesn't work I will start over. When making half square triangles I ALWAYS make them larger, then square them up afterwards. I find I get great results this way.

  15. I am not a big fan of ripping apart. I will often start over, or set aside something that isn't working until I find a way to make it work, or use it for a different purpose entirely!

  16. I spent over ten hours ripping out quilting on the last one I did. I had my tension set wrong. Lesson Learned. I hope. I would rather sew it again and put the bad peice in an orphan quilt pile.

  17. Lately, I haven't ripped so much at all, thank God!

  18. start a different project...LOL
